If you need an interpreter, call TIS on 131 450

Chatterbox - Self Harm
Fold along the dotted lines to make an origami chatterbox that provides information about self-harm and understanding why people self-harm.

Chatterbox - Sexting
Fold along the dotted lines to make an origami chatterbox that provides information about sexting and practical steps to combat sexting.

Chatterbox - Teenager Protective Behaviours
Fold along the dotted lines to make an origami chatterbox that provides information about protective behaviours and will help teenagers have the confidence to respond if they are feeling unsafe.

Family online agreement
Creating a family agreement is a way to start conversations about online safety while providing a clear and easy way to show what each person expects and wants when using technology (e.g. desktop computers and tablets).

Helping someone who self-harms
A helpful and practical guide to help respond to someone who self-harms and understand why.

Responding to sexting and image-based abuse
A helpful and practical guide to help respond to someone who is engaging in sexting and image based abuse and understand why.

Sexting – what you should know
A one page resource to help understand what sexting is and the impacts it could cause.

Talking Families Activity Book
The activities in this book are designed for households, families, parents and kids to do alone or together. You’ll find activities that suit different ages, seasons and moods. Complete the activities in any order you like. Leave any activities you don’t like. Repeat any you love. You might like to print the activities out, or re-draw them on some spare paper. This book is for you and your household to enjoy and make your own.
Helpful websites
Kid’s Helpline
Free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.Phone 1800 55 1800 Anytime. Any reason.
A confidential telephone and web chat service providing professional counselling and support.Phone 1300 30 1300 8am-10pm. 7 days a week.