If you need an interpreter, call TIS on 131 450

Trust and Safety
Body Rules
What children should know.

Kids Have Rights Handprint Poster
Kids have rights too! Let’s learn about them. Telling children their rights helps them understand trust and safety and keeps them safe.

People who might help
Identifying who kids can talk to if they have worries about the Body Rules.

Trust Hand
The Trust Hand asks children to think about adults who are safe that they can trust and write the names of those people on the fingers of their trust hand. Children might like to cut pictures from a book if they can not write or spell.

Fishing for Emotions
A fun game for helping kids identify emotions. Knowing and talking about emotions can help keep kids safe.

Private and Public places
We all have the right to privacy. Learning the difference between private and public places.

Shine a Light for Children Lantern Project
Create a special paper lantern to shine a light on Child Protection Week. A fun project that shows our support for keeping kids safe.

Stay @ Home and Play
Department of Education (North Coast Region) have created this booklet which is jam packed full of low cost and no cost play ideas for families to try out at home.

Talking Families Activity Book
The activities in this book are designed for households, families, parents and kids to do alone or together. You’ll find activities that suit different ages, seasons and moods. Complete the activities in any order you like. Leave any activities you don’t like. Repeat any you love. You might like to print the activities out, or re-draw them on some spare paper. This book is for you and your household to enjoy and make your own.
Helpful websites
A confidential telephone and web chat service providing professional counselling and support.Phone 1300 30 1300 8am-10pm. 7 days a week.